Does any
other single dread the holiday season?! It's cold out, you wanna cuddle, everybody is
getting engaged, or announcing pregnancies, starting families...and your
family is asking, "so what about you and that one friend?" :-| They
bring up someone you are trying to forget, or they start to give you
unsolicited encouragement, like "you're time is coming. Be patient.",
and your sitting there about to burst like just stop talking, you've
been saying that for a while now. lol
though you believe God, you are going to church, involved in ministry,
doing the right things, correcting the weaknesses you may have, tryna
keep busy, but in the back of your mind you are quietly asking God,
"When is it going to be my turn? Another year is about to end and I'm.
Still. Single."
your struggle isn't patience while waiting for "the one", maybe it's trying to finish
school, you're getting older and everybody is starting their career,
and you can't figure out why it's taking you so long. Wondering when
that vision God gave you about a business is going to come to pass.
Doors keep closing, and you're secretly asking God, "When are you going
to open that door? I'm doing everything you've asked, I'm being
faithful, and I still don't have my degree...that career...that
business...that growing ministry...".
you're struggle is in this season, Galatians 6:9 says, "So let's not get
tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a
harvest of blessing if we don't give up." DON'T. GIVE. UP.!!! Whatever
you do don't give up. Don't allow the enemy to flood your thoughts,
trying to taint what God has already promised you. If God placed the
desire to have a family and get married one day in your heart, then
believe that!
know...It's super hard, trust me I struggle with this as well. It's so
many times I have cried wondering why a guy chose someone else to
pursue, wondering if it was something wrong with me, am I not pretty
enough? Is it because I'm skinny? Maybe I need to gain weight? Why am I
even a virgin anymore, that is clearly a turn off...All these LIES I
allowed the enemy to creep into my thoughts. All of these are
distractions He uses to get you off of what God wants you to do during
this season. When you are single, you're attention is not divided. You
don't have a husband or wife, or children to tend to. You can focus
solely on Christ and what He wants you to do.
allow anger, bitterness, or any other negative feeling to take root in
your heart because what you desire hasn't come to pass yet. Be excited
for your friend who found their "Adam" or "Rib" (as my homegirl Heather Lindsey would say, lol), congratulate that
friend who just graduated and was offered an exciting new career
opportunity, rejoice with that friend whose business or ministry is
taking off! When God is our main focus, it allows us to rejoice with
those that are rejoicing because we know that if God can do it for your
friend, He can most certainly do it for you. He has no respect of person, He wants
to bless you! Sometimes we're so focused on what we don't have, that
we're too distracted to even receive what He wants to give us.
Don't move ahead of God. Don't talk to that guy or girl because you "think" they may be the one because they're giving you attention you desire. Stop being an option, and when they choose some one else, you aren't sitting there with the "it happened again" face. You do not have to give every one who seems interested attention. Wait. On. God. That doesn't mean just sit at home and wait, lol Get up, and go do something! Travel, hang out with your friends, pick up an instrument, keep working on that business plan and allow God to move freely! You'll look up and be like, hey..where did you come from? Or, I only have one semester left of school, I'm almost to that degree!
He loves us so much. I constantly have to encourage myself and remind myself of this, but there is nothing wrong with that. Encourage yourself and keep it moving, don't stay down! You don't have to, God created you to be much more than someone's spouse. Don't get me wrong that is a blessing, but get to know you're purpose, so that when He does bless you in that area, you know who you are, and you both can build God's kingdom together. A husband, wife, career, degree, etc. does not define you...God does! Fall in love with Him, Seek Him, build a relationship with Him, it's so worth it. Get to the point where you realize God is ENOUGH!. Truth is...He IS.
Enjoy the season...don't dread it.!
-The Virgin Chronicles <3
Meditate on His word "day and night" observe "to do all" that is written "THEN" you shall make your way "prosperous" and "THEN" you will have "good" success.