Thursday, July 23, 2015


It's so much going on. It's overwhelming to think about. Not only are there personal battles that we have to fight, but the pressures of society and just being black adds to that. My heart aches for the children I teach. They have no idea what awaits them. As a believer I have a hope, and my hope is in Christ. I know that His word is true when he says, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." (Romans 12:19) I believe God will have his way with every single individual who has innocent blood on their hands. Not only do our people fear the people who are supposed to protect them, but we fear each other. Mothers are worried about their sons getting jumped or gunned down. Not by police but by their fellow brothers. Our children are afraid to walk to school and get on the school bus because of their fellow brothers and sisters. Our women! Our women are being gang raped by their brothers! What is going on with my community! We are supposed to protect one another, not hurt each other! Do you not see the HATE we face?!

I couldn't bare to watch the Sandra Bland story; my heart ached as soon as I realized we lost another sister. I'm so angry! I watched a video of another sister basically expressing her anger and I felt every word. Like yaaasss preach girl! Are you not angry? I see more black folks talking bout Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill, and this Drake beef! Who the freak cares! What the hell have they done for YOUR community?! You see them marching? Have they come to see about you or your neighborhood? Are they encouraging young women and men of color to be proud of themselves? To be gentlemen and young ladies? I'm not saying they haven't done "charity" work, or gone back to their "hood" to help all the less fortunate "colored" kids. But really? Yall are entertaining their idiocy and your people are getting MURDERED, RAPED, AND BAMBOOZLED every freakin day. We are too easily distracted. I know more girls interested in keeping up with the latest bags and shoes FOR WHAT! You think the police gon care you got on Jimmy Choos? You're still worthless to them! 

We support everybody else but each other. Which is why we don't have our own. Which is why they can rule over us. Which is why they'll always have the upper hand. Do you know your history? Do you know where you came from? Do you know what you are capable of? Do you know what you can be? 

Somewhere along the way we forgot.

I tutor high school boys and they don't give a crap about their history. "Why do I need to know that? Oh but imma be Gucci'd out from prom" Priorities! And we teach them this! They talk about fighting each other, what girl they smashin next; they have no respect for young ladies. And our young ladies think it's cute. They have no sense of self-worth, so they are easily screwed over. All the while, some of these young men end up dead or in jail.  It's a sickening cycle. Once again. I ask what are we doing?

I decided to start an enrichment at my elementary school that teaches our kids about their history. I greet all my kids with hugs, smiles, fist pumps, goodmornings, wat up doe's, love, hugs, high fives... however they want to be greeted. They know they matter because I tell them that. They know they are important and that their skin color is beautiful no matter what shade they are. They know that their hair texture is perfect, and nobody can tell them different. This may seem small, but it starts when they are young. They are also aware of what's going on. I encourage them that can't nobody tell you what you can and cannot do, you make that decision. You know who you are. So when they face adversity, they are smart about it. I pray everyday that the world will be better when they grow up. They have so much hope and I want them to have that. Why am I venting? Because I'm fed up with the system. I'm fed up with us. We have have work to do to make sure that our future does not have to re-live this hellish existence. 

Now I commend all of the wonderful black women and men who are conscious, aware, and are doing something for their communities. The ones who support one another, who mentor, who take the time not to be selfish and give back. I see you. I have a hope that it will get better. Keep fighting, keep working, keep protesting, keep being aware, keep hope alive!

Last but not least, I love all my friends that are not of color. But PLEASE for the love of God, DO NOT downplay what's going on. Don't speak on things you do not have to live everyday, or things that you do not understand. This goes to all the unconscious black folks too, the ones that complain about us playing the race card all the time, SHUTUP! Would you wake the heck up, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU EITHER! You wanna be a house negro like Samuel L. Jackson in DJango... thinking it's gon save you! It's not. They still don't like you. They never will. The sooner you realize the above truth, step outside of your bubble, and really take ownership of your people, the sooner we will ALL be better off.

I may have been all over the place in this blog, but I had to vent. I pray for all of you daily. I love the scripture that says, "Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good." (Romans 12:21). It's okay to be angry, clearly I am. But I wanna channel it into actually changing our communities. Let's conquer this evil, with good. I love yall, Be Conscious and Be Blessed. 

-The Virgin Chronicles <3

P.S. Come to the prayer rally at Campus Martius Weds July 29, 2015 at 7:00 pm :-)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Tis The Season..."

Does any other single dread the holiday season?! It's cold out, you wanna cuddle,  everybody is getting engaged, or announcing pregnancies, starting families...and your family is asking, "so what about you and that one friend?" :-| They bring up someone you are trying to forget, or  they start to give you unsolicited encouragement, like "you're time is coming. Be patient.", and your sitting there about to burst like just stop talking, you've been saying that for a while now. lol

Even though you believe God, you are going to church, involved in ministry, doing the right things, correcting the weaknesses you may have, tryna keep busy, but in the back of your mind you are quietly asking God, "When is it going to be my turn? Another year is about to end and I'm. Still. Single."

Perhaps your struggle isn't patience while waiting for "the one", maybe it's trying to finish school, you're getting older and everybody is starting their career, and you can't figure out why it's taking you so long. Wondering when that vision God gave you about a business is going to come to pass. Doors keep closing, and you're secretly asking God, "When are you going to open that door? I'm doing everything you've asked, I'm being faithful, and I still don't have my degree...that career...that business...that growing ministry...".

Whatever you're struggle is in this season, Galatians 6:9 says, "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." DON'T. GIVE. UP.!!! Whatever you do don't give up. Don't allow the enemy to flood your thoughts, trying to taint what God has already promised you. If God placed the desire to have a family and get married one day in your heart, then believe that! 

I know...It's super hard, trust me I struggle with this as well. It's so many times I have cried wondering why a guy chose someone else to pursue, wondering if it was something wrong with me, am I not pretty enough? Is it because I'm skinny? Maybe I need to gain weight? Why am I even a virgin anymore, that is clearly a turn off...All these LIES I allowed the enemy to creep into my thoughts. All of these are distractions He uses to get you off of what God wants you to do during this season. When you are single, you're attention is not divided. You don't have a husband or wife, or children to tend to. You can focus solely on Christ and what He wants you to do. 

Don't allow anger, bitterness, or any other negative feeling to take root in your heart because what you desire hasn't come to pass yet. Be excited for your friend who found their "Adam" or "Rib" (as my homegirl Heather Lindsey would say, lol), congratulate that friend who just graduated and was offered an exciting new career opportunity, rejoice with that friend whose business or ministry is taking off! When God is our main focus, it allows us to rejoice with those that are rejoicing because we know that if God can do it for your friend, He can most certainly do it for you. He has no respect of person, He wants to bless you! Sometimes we're so focused on what we don't have, that we're too distracted to even receive what He wants to give us. 

Don't move ahead of God. Don't talk to that guy or girl because you "think" they may be the one because they're giving you attention you desire. Stop being an option, and when they choose some one else, you aren't sitting there with the "it happened again" face. You do not have to give every one who seems interested attention. Wait. On. God. That doesn't mean just sit at home and wait, lol Get up, and go do something! Travel, hang out with your friends, pick up an instrument, keep working on that business plan and allow God to move freely! You'll look up and be like, hey..where did you come from? Or, I only have one semester left of school, I'm almost to that degree!   

He loves us so much. I constantly have to encourage myself and remind myself of this, but there is nothing wrong with that. Encourage yourself and keep it moving, don't stay down! You don't have to, God created you to be much more than someone's spouse. Don't get me wrong that is a blessing, but get to know you're purpose, so that when He does bless you in that area, you know who you are, and you both can build God's kingdom together. A husband, wife, career, degree, etc. does not define you...God does! Fall in love with Him, Seek Him, build a relationship with Him, it's so worth it. Get to the point where you realize God is ENOUGH!. Truth is...He IS.

Enjoy the season...don't dread it.!

-The Virgin Chronicles <3


Friday, August 2, 2013

What do you really want? Part I.

Yea so I've been meaning to do this more often, but I've been caught up, lol 

I wanna talk about being a Virtuous woman of God in this season of being single. I realized as single women, we pray and ask for things that we are not ready for. We pray with the wrong intentions. I'm not saying all of us do. Some of you have it together. But for those of us who don't, I'd like to address you today. 

I understand that this season is challenging. However, there are things that God wants you to learn during this time. He wants to mold you into the woman He desires you to be. Not only that, He wants you to trust Him. You might be thinking, "what does he want me to learn? I'm a good person already, why can't I have my mate? I already trust Him, but He's taking to long...what is He trying to mold me into?"

Let's look a little further...

Proverbs 31 gives us a good overview of the kind of woman and wife God desires us to be. "This woman has strong character, great wisdom, many skills, and great compassion." She is a great mother and wife. The most important thing about her is her loyalty and admiration for God.

...So lets start with the most important question...DO YOU LOVE GOD?

As stated before, this is the most important quality in the virtuous woman. How we live and act, shows where we are in our relationship with Christ. God said if we loved Him we would keep His commandments (meaning abiding by His word, and His will for our lives). Does our actions say we love Him? If we are not faithful in our relationship with Christ, how can we be faithful to His blessing (i.e. your future husband)? 

God hasn't even held your attention long enough to show you how to love unconditionally. Learn to love God with your everything, and He'll show you how to love! That way you will be ready, when He brings the man that is supposed to be in your life.

..Bottom line, your lifestyle should display how much you love Him. Keep Him first. :-)

2. Next, what kind of traits make up our character? Are you honorable? 

  • One definition of honorable is: worthy of honor and high respect. We have to be conscience of what we do in this season. Alot of us want a husband, but will be found in the strip club every weekend. Is supporting women degrading themselves honorable? Do you think the man God has for you will respect you for that? 
  • How does the way we dress reflect righteousness? This is something that I am always asking myself, because my wardrobe is a battle. I love crop tops, and sometimes the dresses I wear can cause someone of the male species to fall into sin, lol It's okay to dress cute, and be sexy....but as women of God, we have to learn to give a little and take a little back. Leave a little mystery.
3. Do you value yourself?
  • Sometimes I wonder if we even know how precious we are. God has a special place in His heart for His daughters. He doesn't want you to go after any man. He wants you to realize you are worth the wait and chase.
    • God said, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." *Proverbs 18:22*
      1.  It says WIFE. Meaning you need to be a wife before he "finds" you. Make sense? (think about the qualities that a Godly wife has....)
      2. As a woman, it is not your responsibility to CHASE or PURSUE any man. We are under the impression now that we have to be aggressive, "go after what you want".... can you tell me where in God's word He told you to do that?
      3. Also "find" can also mean, what the man God has for you sees in you. Meaning, he finds his wife in you. He loves the qualities he's found in you.
    • Also, He doesn't want you to give your body to every guy you date. You may say "I don't sleep with every man I date, just the ones I am in a relationship with or the ones I really like." Welllll sorry to burst all of our bubbles, but God wants you to become one with ONE man. The man He has assigned to you. Isn't it awesome that God created someone just for you? Keep that in mind next time you find yourself having a "sleepover". If He aint the one (meaning your husband), get up and go home. Aye I'm talking to me too!
4. Are you trustworthy? Are you kind? What's on your lips (life or death)?
  • People should be able to trust you, especially the man who will be your husband. Will his thoughts be safe with you? 
  • Kind: "of a good or benevolent nature or dispositionas a person". Being loving and encouraging. Know when to speak and when to listen.
  • What kind of words do you speak? There is power in words. They have the power to uplift or destroy. They can kill spiritually and mentally. Lets make sure we speak life into everyone and everything around us!

I want "us" to start focusing on God, ourselves, and what He needs us to accomplish in this season! Our desire to become virtuous women should not be driven by the fact we want to have a companion. It should be driven by our love for God, and wanting to become better individuals! In due time you will reap, and God will give you the desires of your heart! 

There could possibly be a part II to this blog, but these few thoughts were on my heart to share. I pray it helped, encouraged, or put some things in perspective for you! Love yall!

-Ms. Cunningham

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Enjoy The Challenge...

So I decided to start blogging because I realized I'm not the only one going through changes. Change is so hard to deal with some times. Especially when you have no direction on what to do next, after the change....if that makes sense, lol

Let me tell you a little bit about me. I recently finished up at Wayne State University, getting my degree in Psychology. When I first came to WSU, I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed, expecting to become the female version of Ben Carson. I wanted to be a Doctor, save and heal the world, one life at a time!  What I didn't know, is that God had a different plan on how He would use me in terms of saving and healing lives.

I have always had a passion for helping others. I loved mentoring, discussing personal issues (not to be nosy) and figuring out solutions. I always say that if I can help someone see that Life is worth living, not to give up but to keep going, then I've accomplished something. I get some type of fulfillment out of giving others help and hope. Unfortunately I had the mindset, "I cant make enough money doing this, so I'll just go to med school." That's a dumb reason NOT to do something you love looking back on it. I was going to waste thousands of dollars on school, doing something that deep down inside I really didn't want to do. But hey, money was the motive.

I went through college thinking I was "supposed" to do something in the medical field, while God probably sat back and thought, "When is she going to realize, she can't run from what I put in her." Ahhhhh so alas, I came to the conclusion, I wanted to stick with Psychology. Originally I changed my major from Bio to Psych, because I wanted to hurry up and graduate with something that was easy and would allow me to still go to medical school. I didn't know that God was just setting me up. So, anyway, like I said I wanted to stick with Psychology. But what did I want to do with it? I know I wanted to open up my own practice one day, but what about now? The road to getting there. School counseling is how I would get there.

I have always been passionate about youth. Mentoring, building relationships, helping teenagers avoid some of the things my friends and I went through. I'm all about helping some one be better. I even started a Teen Ministry at my church (Empowering Disciples Church, look us up, we live! lol). I realized that this is what God put in me, and if I don't make as much money as a MD, so what. My gift WILL make room for me.

So I'm at a point in my life where, I know what I want to do but the road to getting there seems so tedious. I have a degree, but yet I'm working two part-time jobs trying to make ends meet and I need a full-time job; I'm trying to find a school to go to so that I can get my Teaching certificate (Yes I want to be a teacher guys, before I start my counseling program :-) ) but I wasn't the best student in undergrad so that is making this process a little bit harder. So frustrating.

So today, I just cried out to God, like "Okay, I know what I'm supposed to do, You gave me a vision, but God why is it so hard! I'm in a rut, trying to do what you put in me to do, get me outta this!"I sat for about ten minutes. I was just still, quiet, didn't say anything, just wanted to hear God. I realized that I can't help my teens if I haven't struggled a little bit. Everything that I am going through right now, is not just for me. There is no testimony with a test. And then I ran across this:

Look at God. Something had been telling me to open this book, but I was being rebellious. Well God, I'm going to enjoy this challenge. You are allowing it! You allowed everything that happened up to this point! It is molding me into the Woman of God, the Leader you called me to be. James 1:2-4 says: "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." 

So I want to encourage whoever is reading this. Whatever challenges you are facing right now, count it ALL Joy. I know it will ALL work out for our good. Enjoy the CHALLENGE! 
