Thursday, February 21, 2013

Enjoy The Challenge...

So I decided to start blogging because I realized I'm not the only one going through changes. Change is so hard to deal with some times. Especially when you have no direction on what to do next, after the change....if that makes sense, lol

Let me tell you a little bit about me. I recently finished up at Wayne State University, getting my degree in Psychology. When I first came to WSU, I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed, expecting to become the female version of Ben Carson. I wanted to be a Doctor, save and heal the world, one life at a time!  What I didn't know, is that God had a different plan on how He would use me in terms of saving and healing lives.

I have always had a passion for helping others. I loved mentoring, discussing personal issues (not to be nosy) and figuring out solutions. I always say that if I can help someone see that Life is worth living, not to give up but to keep going, then I've accomplished something. I get some type of fulfillment out of giving others help and hope. Unfortunately I had the mindset, "I cant make enough money doing this, so I'll just go to med school." That's a dumb reason NOT to do something you love looking back on it. I was going to waste thousands of dollars on school, doing something that deep down inside I really didn't want to do. But hey, money was the motive.

I went through college thinking I was "supposed" to do something in the medical field, while God probably sat back and thought, "When is she going to realize, she can't run from what I put in her." Ahhhhh so alas, I came to the conclusion, I wanted to stick with Psychology. Originally I changed my major from Bio to Psych, because I wanted to hurry up and graduate with something that was easy and would allow me to still go to medical school. I didn't know that God was just setting me up. So, anyway, like I said I wanted to stick with Psychology. But what did I want to do with it? I know I wanted to open up my own practice one day, but what about now? The road to getting there. School counseling is how I would get there.

I have always been passionate about youth. Mentoring, building relationships, helping teenagers avoid some of the things my friends and I went through. I'm all about helping some one be better. I even started a Teen Ministry at my church (Empowering Disciples Church, look us up, we live! lol). I realized that this is what God put in me, and if I don't make as much money as a MD, so what. My gift WILL make room for me.

So I'm at a point in my life where, I know what I want to do but the road to getting there seems so tedious. I have a degree, but yet I'm working two part-time jobs trying to make ends meet and I need a full-time job; I'm trying to find a school to go to so that I can get my Teaching certificate (Yes I want to be a teacher guys, before I start my counseling program :-) ) but I wasn't the best student in undergrad so that is making this process a little bit harder. So frustrating.

So today, I just cried out to God, like "Okay, I know what I'm supposed to do, You gave me a vision, but God why is it so hard! I'm in a rut, trying to do what you put in me to do, get me outta this!"I sat for about ten minutes. I was just still, quiet, didn't say anything, just wanted to hear God. I realized that I can't help my teens if I haven't struggled a little bit. Everything that I am going through right now, is not just for me. There is no testimony with a test. And then I ran across this:

Look at God. Something had been telling me to open this book, but I was being rebellious. Well God, I'm going to enjoy this challenge. You are allowing it! You allowed everything that happened up to this point! It is molding me into the Woman of God, the Leader you called me to be. James 1:2-4 says: "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." 

So I want to encourage whoever is reading this. Whatever challenges you are facing right now, count it ALL Joy. I know it will ALL work out for our good. Enjoy the CHALLENGE! 
